Events GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source


I participated at CONSOL 2009 and had the opportunity to give 4 talks this time and meet with "the software libre community".

The talks were great, with very interesting subjects, and there seems to be a lot of interest in virtualization this time. Rolman gave his talk about virtualization with KVM and the basics of virtualization technology and how it all works. Then Gunnar Wolf gave his talk about virtualization techniques and recommendations.

I gave an introductory talk about Git and for the first time talked about Emacs. Also had an Emacs vs. Vi debate with Rolman, and it really went well. It turned out to be a very civilized talk with no flames going on at any time. I think people got somewhat disappointed that it went so well.

At CONSOL 2009

The new KDE Mexico team, or part of it, got together to catch up, unfortunately Guillermo Amaral had a plane to catch just before the party begun.

For the first time I tried the famous Duff beer, from the Simpsons. This is a mexican brand that makes it a reality.
At CONSOL 2009

And Gladys showed up with an ethernet cable as an improvised belt.
Girl with ethernet cable belt

I had a great time and it was a very nice experience. Hope to see everyone again soon.

By Gabriel Saldaña

Gabriel Saldaña is a web developer, photographer and free software advocate. Connect with him on and Twitter