More photos of the runway events at Intermoda Trends fashion event 2013 in Guadalajara. This event had many more runway activity than the previous one, so expect some more fashion posts because I have many.
Since I was unable to get a press pass, getting good shots at this event was hard because all the good photography spots were hard to get. This runway was at ground level and the photography booth was on an elevated box. So I had to squeeze myself between the standing crowd and when I finally got near the press area there was a small spot I could climb into. So I did, being very careful not to get in the way of anyone else and got my shots. Also, this secondary runway there was not very good lighting, so I had to struggle with that a bit in post editing.
A good recommendation for these situations is to get a vertical battery grip. It helps a lot to take those vertical shots in a crowded space without putting your elbow in front of guy next to you.
On the fashion appreciation side, I liked most of what was presented in this runway session. There was not many experimental or crazy clothes that are not usable. I enjoy more the practical “real” clothes than the crazy experiments that most times are just ridiculous.
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