Interesting random stuff personal

The last lecture

I just bumped with this lecture about dreams and life. It’s by Randy Pausch, a virtual reality expert and now dying from cancer. He teaches us his last lecture, which is about how to conduct your life to accomplish your dreams. It has a very emotional and unexpected twist at the end. Loved it. Related […]

Interesting random stuff

Steve Wozniak Hacks iPhone on TV

Several times Woz has expressed his thinking about having the iPhone as an open platform. But what a better example of it than hacking an iPhone on TV! I loved his quote: “you know some people may criticize you for not having hacked your iPhone”. Related posts: No related posts.

GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source Interesting random stuff personal

Ubuntu haircut

Ubuntu haircut Originally uploaded by panthrkub Okay a mi me gusta Ubuntu y todo, pero esto es llegar al extremo. Related posts: Google Analytics considera a Mexico como parte de America Central

Interesting random stuff personal

The Graphotype

The Graphotype Originally uploaded by gabrielsaldana Me encontre este aparatejo extraño y bastante antiguo en San Miguel de Allende. Parece ser algun tipo de maquina de escribir o prensa o algo asi…el hecho de que no sepa que es me hace sentir menos viejo, pero algo ignorante. Hay que aprender de nuestro pasado. Como se […]

Digital rights Law & Freedom GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source Interesting random stuff

Microsoft patenta el mayor de los sistemas de anuncios

Microsoft esta adquiriendo la patente desde el 2006 de un sistema que analizara toda la informacion de tu disco duro: desde tus documentos, correos, musica, podcasts, preferencias de programas, y los mensajes de error que te aparecen (y hasta si se te acaba la tinta de la impresora), y la enviara a los servidores de […]

Fun & Humour Interesting random stuff

Licuado de iPhone

Aahh por fin, todo el hype y las interminables noticias, rumores y por ultimo evaluaciones y criticas del iPhone (y probarlo yo mismo), Will it Blend saca este video que estoy seguro muchos que se han saturado del iPhone querian ver. Related posts: No related posts.