
5 Tips to Stop Procrastination

At the time of this writing I feel like the king of procrastination. I can’t imagine any way to get better at it. One of my most common ways to procrastinate is doing tasks. Yeah, you might ask yourself how is doing tasks procrastination, but it is. For example, instead of brainstorming ideas for a […]


Writing to get out of the mental block

Writing is the best tool to organize your thoughts. Many authors and leaders advice to daily writing as a way to master clear thinking. They are right, but writing constantly is not that easy, then thinking clearly is more difficult. Sometimes you lack time, ideas or both. In my case, there’s a lot I want […]


Life achievements: It’s never too late

Nowadays is more common to hear stories about people getting rich and accomplishing great things at an early age. Fortunately, there is the other side of the coin. Not everything is lost if you’re not a millionaire by 30, or accomplished something important. Recently the media published a story of the 17 year old who […]


Death, mortality and coincidences

On February 14 2013, my uncle passed away from a sudden heart attack. He survived the Mayan apocalypse from 2012 and also survived many other “end of the world” dates. But it came to that day when he ceased existing. His sudden death took us by surprise, since he was still young and seemed well […]


An update on my take on ebooks and readers

On the first days of February, after many considerations given my past experience, I decided to bite the bullet and get a Kindle. I got the wifi-only paperwhite edition with ads for the economic price of $118 USD. I had the opportunity to buy it directly at a BestBuy store since I was in Texas […]


Resolutions for 2013

This 2012 has been a year of big changes in my life. There’s been ups and downs like never before and a complete emotional roller coaster. I switched jobs, moved to a new city on the other side of the country, made new friends, reunited with old ones, lost my photography gear, got new one, […]