Events GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source Photography

Festival Software Libre Vallarta 2012

The first days of november I spent them at the Festival Software Libre 2012, in Puerto Vallarta. Like last year, this is an event where most of the free software minds in Mexico and other nearby countries gather to exchange and promote technology ideas and projects. The location as always is great, and it was […]

Events GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source

I will be talking at FSLVallarta 2012

Today I got the good news that I’ll be giving three talks at FSLVallarta 2012 in november. I love that event and the fact that it’s in Puerto Vallarta can’t make it any better 🙂 Unfortunately my attempt to give a talk about Emacs got rejected (again) so instead I’ll be talking about Free Network […]

Events GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source personal

Will be speaking at FSLVallarta 2011

This year I’ll be giving two talks at the Festival del Software Libre in Puerto Vallarta. This time I got invited on two topics, I’ll give my talk about DRM and for the first time I’ll be talking about Free Network Services (FNS), a topic I’ve been interested since my problems with google services and […]