After years of talking about it and her coming with me to my free software talks and meetings, she finally let me replace the proprietary OS on her laptop with Debian GNU/Linux. I think it took us both much time to migrate her laptop for several reasons. First, she barely has time to sit at […]
Tag: GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source
Its been a long day but it has finally come to and end. It all started with a lot of javascript hacking for It was getting tough but I finally beat it. But the javascript adventure wasn’t over yet. Duke Crawford came to visit for a couple of days, so we started hacking on […]
Estoy muy emocionado porque han aceptado mi platica en el CONSOL. * Usando Git: control de versiones distribuido o Gabriel Saldaña Torres Sesión Técnica – 1 hora Aplicaciones Aceptada Tambien estoy algo nervioso porque es mi primera platica. Pero creo que todo saldra muy bien. Eso si, estoy de acuerdo con Zodman y los tres […]
I’ve been using the KDE4 from the Ubuntu Gutsy repositories for two days now, and I know there are a lot of missing features but here are my top 5: Printers: they are missing from the kde4 settings manager program. I know its not a full all bells and whistle final release, but can this […]

Today was the official release of KDE4, and the Kubuntu packages are already available for download and use. Here’s a screenshot of my current desktop: How to install? If you want to install KDE4 in your current Ubuntu or Kubuntu Gutsy is very easy. First add the repository to your sources list: sudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list […]
Por fin encontre la forma de enviar videos a mi Xbox360 sin tener que usar Windows. Muy sencillo, solo instala ushare Vas a necesitar libupnp sudo aptitude install libupnp2 ejecuta el siguiente comando para iniciar el servicio de ushare: ushare -p 49153 -D -x -c /home/usuario/videos/ Esto lo puedes poner en un script que se […]