personal Photography

Weekend fun at the beach

Two weeks ago I finally got back to visit my hometown. Its been a while since my last visit and I really miss the beach.

So I went there for a little while, took my dog Pancha and my camera. To my surprise I bumped into my cousins and some friends. Since I had my camera with me, my cousins wanted me to take some beach pictures for them. I’m fairly new to photography, but I like it a lot. Although I have to confess that I didn’t put much effort on these pictures and I’m still a very shy photographer, so I didn’t give them much direction. I have to work on that skill.

I think this is the first time I blog about my photography hobby… Anyway, here are some of the shots I took. None are post-edited so everything is “natural”. If you have some tips to share on beach daylight photography, please send them in the comments!

By Gabriel Saldaña

Gabriel Saldaña is a web developer, photographer and free software advocate. Connect with him on and Twitter