Emacs GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source

ACM Crossroads issue 14.4 online fast, thanks to Emacs

ACM Crossroads 14.4 cover

Just finished publishing ACM Crossroads issue 14.4 online.

This speed of publishing is thanks to Emacs. I use tramp mode to edit and fix files remotely on the ACM servers via ssh. Tidy with html-mode to validate and fix all markup so that the files are XHTML 1.1 Strict. Dired mode to rename, move, copy files, and image mode to check if images are correct.

I wonder if I can edit images (like crop, resize, convert to jpeg, compress) in Emacs. I know you can edit videos, so images can’t be more difficult.

By Gabriel Saldaña

Gabriel Saldaña is a web developer, photographer and free software advocate. Connect with him on and Twitter

One reply on “ACM Crossroads issue 14.4 online fast, thanks to Emacs”

Hola gabriel lo que podrias hacer es utilizar imagemagick que tiene una serie de utilerias con las que puedes editar imagenes por medio de comandos.

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