Emacs GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source mode for Emacs logo is a free software microblogging service, similar to Twitter, based on the code base. I recently needed to update my status from Emacs, since its faster for me and easier. I’ve been using an an Emacs mode to update my Twitter account, but there was nothing to use for my account. And seeing there’s a Vim plugin, I thought someone, like me, needed an Emacs mode too.

So I forked the original twittering-mode to use it with the platform, using its Twitter compatible api.

System Requirements

  • GNU Emacs 22 or later
  • Linux, Mac OS X, BSD or any Unix based OS (requires wget)


Download the latest stable release of Emacs Identica-mode

Or get the latest development code from the Git repository at


Copy the identica-mode.el file to your Emacs elisp files directory (.emacs.d/ in Ubuntu)
Then add the following to your .emacs (or your preferred customizations file)

;;; mode
(require 'identica-mode)
(setq identica-username "yourusername")

If you want to authenticate using simple authentication, create a file ~/.authinfo with the following contents:

machine servername login yourusername password yourpassword

Replace servername with your server (if connecting to Identica service, use as server name), yourusername and yourpassword with your information.

You can also authenticate using OAuth, specially if you log in with an OpenID account which has no password. To use OAuth authentication (requires using oauth.el), add the following to your .emacs file:

(setq identica-auth-mode "oauth")

If you want to post from the minibufer without having identica buffer active, add the following global keybinding. Add this to send status updates

(global-set-key "\C-cip" 'identica-update-status-interactive)

Add this to send direct messages

(global-set-key "\C-cid" 'identica-direct-message-interactive)


To start identica mode type:

M-x identica-mode

the buffer ‘*identica*’ will appear and you can see your friends timeline.

Press the “i” key to toggle icon mode to see user pictures.

Identica Emacs mode

To view your replies timeline

C-c C-r

To view the public timeline

C-c C-a

To view your friends timeline (the default timeline)

C-c C-f

To view a user’s timeline

C-c C-u

To view a group’s timeline

C-c C-g

To view a tag’s timeline

C-c C-t

To refresh the buffer’s timeline press “g”.

To post an update of your status, press

C-c C-s

type your message in the minibuffer, and hit Enter. You will see ‘Success: Post’ in minibuffer.

Identica mode for Emacs - Update status

To send a direct message to a user, press

C-c C-d

On the minibuffer, you will be prompted for the username, then for the message.

To repeat (re-dent) a message, press


while the cursor is on the message’s line.

To favor a message, press the “F” key (shift f) while the cursor is on the message’s line.

Additionally, you while typing your message you can press <F4> key while the cursor is over a URL to shorten it using any of the following URL shortening services:, TightURL,, TinyURL, and To expand an short url in your timeline, position your cursor over the short url and press ‘e’ key, it will be replaced with the expanded version in a few seconds.

Hope it can be of use for anyone using Emacs for almost everything, like I try to do, and would like to hear some feedback.


If you have any ideas for features, patches or bug fixes, please add them to the identica-mode bug tracking list.

You can also help out if you’ve liked Emacs identica-mode and have some spare change. It would be great to support this project by making any kind of donation on the “tip jar” in appreciation of the hours invested on its development and improvement.

By Gabriel Saldaña

Gabriel Saldaña is a web developer, photographer and free software advocate. Connect with him on and Twitter

49 replies on “ mode for Emacs”

Note that also supports interaction through XMPP, so you can use emacs-jabber.

The great thing about laconica and the fact that it’s opensource is that you can re-create identica on your own servers (internal or external).

Do you think you could modify your plugin so as to be able to configure the server it connects to as well ?

Not bad. Got this working relatively easily. However, I ran into the following problem. I keep getting this in my *Messages*

error in process sentinel: xml-parse-tag: XML: (Well-Formed) Couldn’t parse tag: tatus_id

error in process sentinel: XML: (Well-Formed) Couldn’t parse tag: tatus_id


Any ideas? Any place to post/talk about this?

I’ve been getting that same error too. I talked with some devels and they have no clue what’s wrong on the XML feed. I think its something on my code, but I haven’t been able to trace it.

I’ll try to get it fixed as soon as possible.

[…] updated identica-mode for Emacs and now has a way to connect to any laconica server, instead of just […]

Just tried identica-mode and am getting the following error:

error in process sentinel: xml-parse-tag: XML: (Well-Formed) Couldn’t parse tag: eated_at

This seems similar to the error reported in comment 5.

Any ideas?

Yeah, I’m getting something similar…

error in process sentinel: xml-parse-tag: XML: (Well-Formed) Couldn't parse tag: ="array"

error in process sentinel: XML: (Well-Formed) Couldn't parse tag: ="array"


Modo en Emacs… es un servicio de microblogging, del cual les comentaba hace poco algunas actualizaciones. Es como Twitter, pero a mi parecer bastante más útil. Muchos programadores de software libre están aprovechando la plataforma (su diferencia con Tw…

I use this mode a lot, thanks for making it! So, I also have some
suggestions for improvement…

1. I have these lines in my identica-mode-hook:

(define-key identica-mode-map “g” ‘identica-friends-timeline)
(define-key identica-mode-map (kbd “”) ‘identica-click)
(define-key identica-mode-map “r” ‘identica-enter)

since “g” is the key to update org-agenda, dired buffers, buffer
list, etc; and I keep clicking whenever I want to visit a
link (never put functionality _only_ in the rodent); and “r” just
seemed like a nice reply button (perhaps “R” could reply to all @’s
mentioned in the dent?). Don’t know if they should be in the .el
file, but they feel better for me at least.

2. It’d also be cool to have some “go to next/previous clickable”
functions (like Info-next/previous-reference, or

3. I like the “n/p” functions for next-status-of-person-at-point,
however it seems to require that point is at the username, one
should be able to do this from anywhere in the status… (Also, it
rather confusingly says “Start/End of @foo’s status.” where it perhaps
should say “This is @foo’s last/first available status update.”)

[…] authentication, so that OpenID users can access the API. That means that OpenID users can now use Emacs identica-mode to post and access their dents. There was a lot of talking about Free Network Services and hope […]

Gabriel, thanks for fixing that XML bug! I got one more for you.

I run emacs in screen, so tat’s “emacs -nw”. identica-mode works fine except for one thing: it seems when it refreshes, it scrolls to the bottom of the buffer. I am not seeing this in regular windowed emacs.

[…] Yes, I like using Emacs. I like it a lot. For most of a lot of what you want to do, there’s probably an Emacs mode for that. Which includes posting to — identica-mode. […]

[…] Well great news Emacs Lovers you can update using Emacs+Identica mode for Emacs […]


identica-mode looks very nice! Thank you for writing it!

One thing I’d like to see is easy changing of the way the messages are displayed. The default style in my emacs looks a bit dull compared to (for example) the colorization of texinfo code. Also I’d like to remove the background color for replies (it makes the dents hard to read for me).

Is it already possible to do that easily?

Best wishes

[…] и паролей) к различным сервисам. К примеру я использую emacs client, который получает учётную информацию через […]

I keep getting the error “error in process filter: Symbol’s function definition is void: aget” with Aquamacs on Mac OSX.

Thanks, but I think its better to change api to https, my country blocked and for unknown reason with tor , i get access_token=nil , so I just switch to https via settings and every thing is ok now.


I try to load this mode.

Now, when I start Emacs, i have this error message :
error: required feature `identica-mode.el’ was not provided

I work on Archlinux.

I solved the problem.
But now, i have another :
I create de .authinfo file, but it seems like it doesn’t use/read it, because it ask me logins.

Can someone help me ?

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