Emacs GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source

PHP syntax error check as you type with Emacs

For those who have to code in PHP, there’s a nice feature in Emacs that makes your coding horror times less stressing and helps you avoid typos and similar dumb errors. For example in the image above, I missed the colon at the end of the line. Emacs 22.1 comes with flymake mode, a nice […]

Emacs GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source

Back to blogging from Emacs

Its been a while since the last time I tried blogging with the weblogger mode. I don’t think anything changed so far, but I just wanted to give it a try once more. The other easier way to blog with emacs is using the It’s All Text Firefox extension. It’s weird that there’s a video […]

Emacs GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source

ACM Crossroads issue 14.4 online fast, thanks to Emacs

Just finished publishing ACM Crossroads issue 14.4 online. This speed of publishing is thanks to Emacs. I use tramp mode to edit and fix files remotely on the ACM servers via ssh. Tidy with html-mode to validate and fix all markup so that the files are XHTML 1.1 Strict. Dired mode to rename, move, copy […]

Emacs personal

Testing weblogger.el again

Lets see how enhanced this enhanced weblogger.el is. Last time it was awful and messed up stuff in my post. Note that this is supposed to be also categorized from within Emacs. Related posts: No related posts.

Emacs GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source

Emacs 22 por fin!!

Por fin salio de betas la version 22 de emacs el, casi sistema operativo, editor de textos por excelencia. Viene con ido mode, un modo que facilita la busqueda y cambio de archivos y buffers porque autocompleta lo que escribes ERC, un cliente IRC Tiene soporte para compilarlo con GTK, o sea, que se ve […]

Emacs GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source Tutorials & Tips

Como publicar en tu blog desde Emacs

Weblogger es el modo de Emacs para hacer posts en tu blog. Los blogs soportados son: Blogger, MetaWeblog, Moveable Type (WordPress) y LiveJournal. En caso de que no tengas un blog, te crea una cuenta en, un sitio de hosting gratuito para tu blog. Para usarlo, baja estos archivos, ponlos en tu directorio de […]