This year I got to finally attend the Google I/O event. I was lucky to easily get my entrance ticket the day they opened for registration. That day the tickets sold out in 59 minutes! (or so they say)
The place was packed! There were about 5,000 attendees!
I even got to see Leo Laporte and Gina Trapani recording some material for their This week in Google show.
The talks were very interesting with lots of surprises and new release announcements. I attended several android development talks, as I’m starting to get into Android development (can’t wait to finish my first app). The new development tools improvements and the changes for big screen (tablet) layouts looked very nice. And also went to different Google APIs talks like the Google Charts API talk.
The big topics were Android and Chrome, with complementary HTML5 and WebGL talks. There was very little about GoogleTV though. I couldn’t go to all talks, that’s an impossible task. But fortunately for everyone who attended or not, all sessions are available for viewing online.
Some people got surprise presents at the end of a talk, like free Sony Xperia Play phones or the Arduino Android Development Kit. I was not lucky to get any of these, but the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 is a very nice present enough.
The after party was also great! Well, how could it not be? They had loud music and all the beer, wine and crab cakes for free.
Robots were everywhere as well as exhibits of cool experiments as the yike bike, the Google self driving car and a car/plane.
I also saw this cool electric car but I don’t remember the company behind them.
Oh and did I mention free concert of Jane’s Addiction?
I had a great time!