Digital rights Law & Freedom GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source

Gave DRM talk at UANL

Today I gave a talk about DRM technologies and how they affect everyone that consumes products with them. It took place at the UANL physics and mathematics faculty. It interests me very much the fact that its the second time they invite me to give this talk (and I hope to get invited many more) […]


I’m a lucky guy

Seeing this xkcd comic made me think about how lucky I am with my girlfriend. She listens to all my ramblings about free software and free culture and she even went to my anti drm talks I’ve given on several universities. She puts up with it. I’m not sure if she buys it, but at […]

Digital rights Law & Freedom Events GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source

DRM chat at Unitec: video and slides

A few weeks ago I posted about me giving a talk at Unitec Monterrey about DRM and mexican copyright law titled: “DRM: ¿derechos o restricciones?”. Basically is an introduction to what DRM and copyright is, according to mexican law. I have finally transcoded and published it on Google Video. Slides are also available as PDF […]

Digital rights Law & Freedom GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source

DRM chat at Unitec Monterrey

Last week I was invited to talk at the Unitec University in Monterrey about DRM and copyright, of course, applied to mexican law. Which is interesting since the mexican law allows for people to have a copy of a work for personal use only. This means P2P and basically all forms of file sharing are […]