Emacs GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source

Paying for a text editor

Lifehacker published an article about how a plain text code editor called Textastic rivals the famous Textmate in features with a lower price. I find this kind of articles a bit funny when the “fathers” of almost all text code editors are Emacs and Vi, both of which free as in freedom and cost. Why […]

Emacs GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source

Emacs Identica-mode 1.3.1: Quick bug fix release

I just want to give a heads up to all who downloaded Identica-mode 1.3 that some bug fixes were done yesterday very quickly and the oficial stable release is 1.3.1 as of now. The main issue was a bug displaying all messages highlighted as replies when the timeline was in ‘oldest first’ preference mode. Also […]

Emacs GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source

Identica-mode 1.3 release

After the buggy 1.2.1 release and a long bug fixing development time, the new Identica-mode 1.3 is released. Lately I’ve been relying more on releasing through package.el and the MELPA repository whenever I push changes to the main branch on the Git repository. But then I received some emails requesting for an official stable release […]

Emacs GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source

Quick note taking with Emacs and Org Capture

Taking notes has to be a taks that is fast, easy and must not get in the way of the things you’re doing. How many times do we forget something because we didn’t write it down right away? Or how many times you didn’t took a note of something because you don’t have a quick […]

Emacs GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source

MobileOrg for Android setup and workflow

Here’s a quick post on how I setup MobileOrg for Android First of all, get the MobileOrg app from the Google Play Store. In my case, I set it up to work with my Dropbox account. The setup wizard is very simple and really the confusion or configuration relies on the desktop side with your […]

Emacs GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source Programming & Web Development

Easy CSS editing with Emacs

Editing CSS in Emacs is very easy since the standard CSS mode comes included by default. But developer Julien Danjou created this nice minor mode called rainbow-mode which will display the color of the code as the background of the code’s text. It is very useful to immediately see the colors right there in the […]