
My resolutions for 2010

This 2009 has been a good and busy year. Lots of things have happened: I switched to a new job, I got a DSLR camera I’ve been wanting for a long time, I visited San Francisco and the Sillicon Valley, I went to LibrePlanet and met Richard Stallman and many others I look up to, […]

Emacs GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source personal

Mac OS X from a GNU/Linux User

The Mac OS X slogan I’ve heard from several mac fanboys is “it just works”. Well, being a GNU/Linux user for quite some time and coming to OS X, that is not the case for me. There’s a lot of little things that “just don’t work” on my particular usage. Recently I’ve been given a […]


Blog Updates

Photo by DanBrady There’s been a lot going on during the past months and I haven’t posted much on this pages lately. But finally I’ve come to choose a new blog theme and doing a bit of clean up around here. It all started with me doing lots of house chores and cleaning, washing clothes, […]

Events GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source personal

FISOL 2009 was great

I started the month of october at the FISOL 2009, in Tapachula Chiapas. I got invited to give several talks about free software and I have to say it was a great event. First of all, the place was crowded with more than 1,300 attendees. That’s the largest audience I’ve addressed on a free software […]


Sillicon Valley trip

Last week I’ve been visiting my work office at Sillicon Valley. I didn’t take my personal computer, instead I took my work computer, since I was there for work and I didn’t want to be carrying around like 10kg in my backpack. Its been an exciting experience. I got to see the outside of companies […]


A website visitor tracking statistics free open source alternative to Google Analytics

Everyone that wants to know how his/her website’s traffic is doing has a form of “visitor counter” or web traffic analytics software. By what I’ve seen, the most popular one is Google Analytics. There’s a free and open source web alternative to Google Analytics and its called Piwik. I’ve been using this software for several […]