
Becoming Social Media expert

Social media expert books, originally uploaded by gabrielsaldana. By a strange series of coincidences, I turned out to be called the “social media guy” at the office. Now its part of my job to socialmedia-ize company stuff. Although from some developer’s perspective this seems laughable and to others might sound ephimeral, pointless or just dead […]

GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source personal

Started podcasting

So after having planned some podcast projects, I finally started one of them. Its a show in spanish that talks about copyright, software, tech and legal news regarding our freedom. Its been a very interesting project. We talk mostly about Mexican laws and events that affect our freedom through copyright or any tech or data […]


After the storm, Alex in Monterrey

For those far away from Mexico or unaware that the hurrcane (then tropical storm) Alex hit Monterrey city, well, this weekend has been a very unusual one. On Wednesday I drove back earlier than usual from Saltillo, since the rain had already started. The road was very dangerous and I had to drive through intense […]

GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source personal

As guest in podcasts

In the past months I’ve been guest in two podcasts: appcast, a spanish language podcast discussing geek stuff, and animus me hosted by a KDE Developer. I’ve also been considered to co-host the animus me podcast, but we’re working our schedules out. So I’d like to share those episodes here: (English) Animus Me 1 Animus […]

Events GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source personal

Going to DrupalCon 2010

So thanks to Justia, I’ve spent the last week at Mountain View, or what is known as the Silicon Valley area. Next week I’ll be attending the Drupal Conference, Drupalcon 2010, in San Francisco, California. Its been great working and hanging out in this area, specially when things in Mexico are not as easy these […]

GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source personal

Goodbye ACM Crossroads, Hello GNU

I’ve been the web editor for the ACM Crossroads student magazine for the past 4 years. Since I’m no longer a student, the time has come to step out of that position and let someone else take the job. So since issue 16.2 the ACM Crossroads website is in charge of Malay Bhattacharyya of the […]