I’d like to share my bookmarks from time to time. I think sometimes random browsing can be very fruitful and sometimes even productive.
This week on my delicious bookmaks, I’d like to share:
- Red Hat Magazine | A guide to GNU Screen Very useful to use when needing to run long processes through an SSH connection on a remote server. You can go offline or have a crappy connection and the process will keep running.
- Command line tricks for smart geeks Lots of random command line tips and tricks. I love to collect these, they turn out to be very useful more times than you might think.
- Peachpit: Microformats Made Simple: XFN > What Is XFN? A good and basic microformats explanation.
25 Tips for Intermediate Git Users If you use Git (which you should) these are very handy tips to know- PHP strpos() vs. preg_match() I’m not a big fan of PHP, but hey, its the ubiquitous language of web applications, its everywhere! Here’s a comparison of the performance of two methods that can be used for string (text) searching. In my case, I use PHP’s regular expressions methods daily.
I hope you find these links interesting or usefull as they’ve been for me.
One reply on “Random links from my bookmarks”
great knowledge thanks for writing, hope you had a good new year.