Interacting a local git repository with a subversion one has been very useful and is very common on old projects. The way to do that is by using the git svn commands. But sometimes there are situations where there is one large repository with several projects as subfolders in that repo. Using the standard svn […]
Tag: version control

The emacs personalization file (dotemacs) is a very important resource for every Emacs user. Typically found at ~/.emacs, this file contains elisp code all the personalization of Emacs to accommodate each user. Its so important that it basically represents your Emacs “personality”. To loose your .emacs file can mean loosing a lot of hours of […]

Git is a distributed version control system. I won’t go into much details of what Git is or why use Git instead of other VC systems. There’s plenty other sites where to check that information. I love Git, but there’s a slight problem with Ubuntu’s repositories (feisty, gutsy): its an old version. Git’s version on […]