
Martini recipe: shaken, not stirred

Martini for two

Some shots of a weekend together with my girlfriend making some martinis at home. It was my first time making them so I had to practice a little. We also had some fun while making them.


I searched for the martini recipe online and every one I found was in ounces and I don’t have a measuring glass. Damn these people, join the rest of the world and use the international system! Digging for some quick way to measure, I found somewhere that one ounce was about the size of a tequila shot glass. And of course I do have those! So after a few tries, I think I got the recipe in balance:

  1. put ice in shaker
  2. add 1 2/3 oz of gin
  3. add 1/3 oz vermouth
  4. shake well
  5. drop an olive in a toothpick
  6. drink and enjoy

Gabriel Saldana making martinis

Now, why shaken vs stirred? There are sources that say that shaking a martini causes it to break down and contain more antioxidants than a stirred one. So, in a way, we can conclude that it’s healthier.

Martini olive kiss


Discreet smile

Do you have other recipes for martinis? Please share in the comments below

By Gabriel Saldaña

Gabriel Saldaña is a web developer, photographer and free software advocate. Connect with him on and Twitter