
Resolutions for 2014

2013 the year of the selfie

It’s now February. I know, it’s very late to be writing about resolutions once that a whole month has gone already. Things have been crazy busy the last two months. I’ve been travelling very frequently and having a lot of projects going on so finding some time and mind to update these pages have been tough.

Nevertheless, I don’t want to skip posting this. I might forget to post a lot of things that happen in my life that I would like to remember later on reading myself here, but I don’t want to skip doing these year reviews and resolutions posts.

Checking on last year’s resolutions, it seems that my life was completely out of control back then, and I think I managed take back some control. Unfortunately two days ago I received very unexpected news that have now changed my whole plans for the year, but I’ll still try to stick with them as much as I can.

  1. Health – On the health side, I made good progress. I lost those 5 kgs I wanted (and a bit more) three times in the year. I did got them back but now I know my formula on how to loose that weight. I need to keep a better track of health results when I experiment on things but health checkups can get expensive if I want to do them frequently (monthly).
  2. Photography – It was another very active year on photography for me. I didn’t take any courses or got to assist another photographer, but I got my first paid gigs to shoot classical ballet and dance events.
  3. Cooking – I learned new dishes thanks to The 4 Hour Chef book. The cauliflower replacement for smashed potatoes is great, created a recipe for spicy fish and as simple as it sounds, my morning scrambled eggs are so top quality that anyone else’s scrambled eggs taste plain and dull.
  4. Projects – On that camp there’s still work to be done. I started the code and planning on one project that I wanted to launch on December, but as I mentioned earlier, these last two months have been very busy and the project has been sitting idle. However we did made some marketing at an event and launched an initial landing page at

Last year was a very active year on many fronts and another emotional rollercoaster. Things have settled by the end of it but the beginning of 2014 has been crazier than I had anticipated. For this crazy year, here are the resolutions I plan to achieve:


This is going to be an important landmark year (I won’t say why yet, spoilers) so health is something I need to take serious now more than ever. I know how to do it and I will do it. Those 5 kgs that have been coming and going, will be gone very soon and will try to continue dropping throughout the year. I need to drop 10 kgs, I hope I reach that goal before December and keep it that way.


ArtisteLink is going to happen this year. That is a fact and it will be very interesting to watch it grow and change. On other projects, there are a lot of things happening this last weekend that I need some time to think through and plan, but many projects are definitely happening this year. Business is going to be a big item for me this year.


The paid jobs last year have been small but it’s a great step forward for me. I still need to polish my skills a lot and have much to learn. I hope to get more paid photo shoots this year. Also I need to improve my workflow. I have a ton of RAW files I haven’t edited and I’m shooting more than I can edit and publish. I think I still owe my family last year’s christmas photos!


I had great ideas and plans for traveling this year but things just changed last Friday so I’m not sure how I’m going to be able to keep up with those plans. I’ve been travelling like crazy for the past 4 months, I love travelling. I hope I can keep doing it as often.

Writing and reading

I hate to read myself in the past and see that I keep failing at writing more. I don’t want to stop putting it on the list because it is something I really want to achieve. It feels great to be able to go back in your life and read yourself. Sometimes it is useful when I read my posts and realize that I’ve been wanting something (like writing more) or that I’ve achieved progress on some areas (like photography) that I hadn’t noticed. On the reading side, this last year I lost track of how many books I read but I’m sure it was not more than 3. I have lots of books in my shelf that I’ve purchased but I haven’t even opened yet.

There’s a lot I’m not telling here and a lot I’m not covering yet, but as I said I’ll try to keep writing more often, I do promise to post about those unsaid things later in the year when things are ready to be known.

By Gabriel Saldaña

Gabriel Saldaña is a web developer, photographer and free software advocate. Connect with him on and Twitter