Digital rights Law & Freedom

Rethinking social media privacy

I was an active Foursquare user back in the first years of it, and it’s been a while since I toned down my participation in it. A few years ago, my girlfriend questioned me on why I was reporting my location everywhere I went. What was my gain on it? How much value did I […]


I’ve joined Instagram

After long time avioding the hype, I decided last week to finally join Instagram. I’ve been trying to get more involved with photography and reading several good photographer’s blogs and some recommended to get into that. Also that after reading that it is powered by Django, I had lots of curiosity. Among the things I […]

GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source personal

New media reading habits on tablets and ebook readers

With the latest releases of ebook readers and tablet devices (iPad, xoom, galaxy tab, etc) reading habits are changing from paper based to digital in a faster pace than before. I’ve been using my Samsung Galaxy Tab for reading a lot more. I enjoy more reading my social media updates (Twitter, Google+, Facebook) on this […]


Yahoo sells Delicious bookmarks to Youtube Founders

Good news to those still fans of the social bookmarking site. On the delicious blog is now news that Yahoo! Inc has sold the property to the founders of YouTube, Chad Hurley and Steve Chen. Delicious will keep existing and will be part of their new company AVOS. From the AVOS website, we read […]

GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source News an alternative to bookmarks plus microblogging

The people from StatusNet have released, intended to be a social bookmarking site to replace the almost dead And I say intended because its more than that. Its actually a modified instance of the microblogging software, so you can use it as you use or twitter, but tags, links, images and […]


Arriving late to the mobile computing era

As I’ve mentioned on previous posts, I recently got an android phone. And I don’t say “smartphone” because I had a Nokia N95, which was considered a “smartphone” back around 2007 or so. But this phone is different. Ever since the BlackBerry and the iPhone got out and then the Android OS devices, the small […]