Emacs GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source

Identica-mode 1.2 with OAuth support released

The time has come to set up a new stable release for Emacs Identica-mode microblogging client. It’s been almost a year since last release, but many people have been following the project’s progress through the git repository updates. Download Download the identica-mode 1.2 The two most relevant features of this release is first, support for […]

Bookmarks Programming & Web Development

From my reading links: HTML5 forms and Django, Google API playground and Python development tips

Making Forms fabulous with html5 Great introduction to the new HTML5 form input types and what you can do with them. HTML5 – Example Form validation and styling Form elements With the new HTML5 form input types and CSS3 properties, form validation is very quick and easy, as well as nice form element presentation. Head […]

Emacs GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source

Prepare your tea with Emacs

I love tea. I’m not a coffee drinker, so I get my morning boost from severl kind of teas. I use black teas from Teavana and green teas from a little shop in chinatown San Francisco called Ten Ren Tea. And I recently discovered that mate and black teas are a great energy booster combination! […]

Emacs GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source Tutorials & Tips

Post to WordPress blogs with Emacs & Org-mode

Recently I’ve discovered Org2blog, an Emacs mode to write your blog posts locally using org-mode post them to your WordPress blog in a very fast and easy way. I’ve written before on how to write your blog posts and publish them using Emacs. Previously, my method of choice was using Weblogger mode. I even wrote […]


Emacs Identica-mode release v1.1

Since the last official release, there’s been a lot of work on the Identica-mode for Emacs. Its been a while since the last release and probably most users have been using the development version directly from the Git repository. Even though I try to make the development branch as stable as possible, official releases give […]


Emacs Identica-mode notifications

There’s a feature on Emacs identica-mode that I haven’t documented or written about before and its been there for quite some time. Its very nice to have notifications when you get new updates on your timeline. I’ve seen it on other clients like TweetDeck. So I made a hook for Emacs to execute some code […]