Testing is a task every developer has to do eventually on any programming project. You can do it manually after writing all your code to see if it works as you intended, or better yet, before writing your code, using test driven development techniques that will save you time and frustrations down the road. One […]
Tag: programming

Many people are typically afraid of the terminal. Yes, it might look scary for some, retro for others, but for the practical busy programmer, the terminal is the best tool you can have. Lately for my day job, I’ve been required to work with lots of static web pages, as I’ve mentioned on several of […]
I’d like to share my bookmarks from time to time. I think sometimes random browsing can be very fruitful and sometimes even productive. This week on my delicious bookmaks, I’d like to share: Red Hat Magazine | A guide to GNU Screen Very useful to use when needing to run long processes through an SSH […]
PHP 5 is supposed to be fully object oriented. Yes, it has classes and inheritance and all those things an OOP language is supposed to have. But, is it implemented like most OOP languages? First of all, I come from a C/C++ background, so there’s where I got all my OOP lessons. Then I started […]