GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source News


Mako Hill has been talking about the Antifeatures, which are features that you don’t want but the product costs more when they don’t have them instead of costing more for adding them. Sounds tricky? Well, maybe its more understandable with this last news story about Dell will charge $50 dlls to have XP installed. It […]

Fun & Humour GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source News

Post iPhone announcements

After today’s iPhone announcements and all the excitement that has been generated, I started thinking about the competition. The nokia n95 and all the other smart phones have little advantage over the attractiveness of an iPhone. The features and the looks are nice. But the price? I can’t think of how a Nokia N95 at […]

Digital rights Law & Freedom GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source News

Telmex bloquea puerto 25

UPDATE: para poder enviar emails aun teniendo el puerto 25 bloqueado, presento una solucion en mi post Soluciones al bloqueo del puerto 25 Telmex ha decidido bloquear el puerto 25 en una medida, segun ellos, Anti Spam. Esto solo aplica a clientes de Prodigy Infinitum con conexion de menos de 4Mb. Esto significa que no […]


ACM Crossroads 14.1 now online

I have just finished publishing online the newest issue of the ACM Crossroads Student Magazine. This new issue is a milestone for the magazine, because we just switched from themed issues to non theme or at least no centric theme per issue. Now we are accepting all types of papers to push more content on […]


Nuevas funciones en Google Reader

Google ha actualizado Google Reader, un lector de suscripciones RSS en linea. Es muy util sobretodo si trabajas en varias computadoras, ya que con un programa desktop, tendrias que estar sincronizando o marcando lo que ya leiste en otro reader, y asi. Con Google Reader puedes leer tur RSS feeds online desde cualquier maquina. Lo […]

GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source News

Thunderbird posiblemente se separa de Mozilla Foundation

Scott Mcgregor plantea en su blog la posibilidad de que Thunderbird se separe de Mozilla Foundation y forme una compañia aparte. Esto con el proposito de agilizar el desarrollo de esta aplicacion ya que Mozilla esta mas enfocada a mejorar la experiencia en la navegacion web, con su producto estrella Firefox. Desde mi personal punto […]