Digital rights Law & Freedom GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source

Facebook terms for your uploaded content

Maybe this is old news, but I was checking Facebook’s terms of service to see if something had changed since the last time I saw them. But everytime I read this, I keep getting surprised and annoyed. The following is the exact quote from the terms of use that makes me think twice about uploading […]

Digital rights Law & Freedom GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source

DRM chat at Unitec Monterrey

Last week I was invited to talk at the Unitec University in Monterrey about DRM and copyright, of course, applied to mexican law. Which is interesting since the mexican law allows for people to have a copy of a work for personal use only. This means P2P and basically all forms of file sharing are […]

Digital rights Law & Freedom

Soluciones al bloqueo de Telmex al puerto 25

En mi pasado post, recibi muchos comentarios y comence a buscar formas de poder enviar mis correos, sin tener que aceptar esos terminos de uso que son bastante cuestionables. Entonces encontre que el puerto 587 es la alternativa mas comun ofrecida por los servicios de hosting. Yo lo probe con dreamhost y con powweb y […]

Digital rights Law & Freedom GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source News

Telmex bloquea puerto 25

UPDATE: para poder enviar emails aun teniendo el puerto 25 bloqueado, presento una solucion en mi post Soluciones al bloqueo del puerto 25 Telmex ha decidido bloquear el puerto 25 en una medida, segun ellos, Anti Spam. Esto solo aplica a clientes de Prodigy Infinitum con conexion de menos de 4Mb. Esto significa que no […]