
Never give your work for free

There are many ways in which giving your work for free might help you. But, for me, it has hurt my business many times. I got a call from a friend of a friend, asking for my help on a web project that another web developer left unfinished (first red flag). I’ve never done business […]


6 Tips for Writing as a Habit

Writing is one of the best habits you can have. It helps telling stories, preserving memories, and organizing thought in general. Here are some gathered tips that I’ll be trying these days to have writing as a habit: Write daily Whatever you are thinking about, go ahead and put it in words. That thought will […]

Digital rights Law & Freedom

How Orwell’s 1984 novel is very accurate for 2013

George Orwell published his dystopian novel 1984 in the year 1949 guessing a scary version of what the society might be in the future. His predictions have become so accurate to today’s world that we can almost say that if he was trying to predict the future, he only missed by some decades. Big Brother […]


5 Tips to Stop Procrastination

At the time of this writing I feel like the king of procrastination. I can’t imagine any way to get better at it. One of my most common ways to procrastinate is doing tasks. Yeah, you might ask yourself how is doing tasks procrastination, but it is. For example, instead of brainstorming ideas for a […]


A visit to the Guadalajara Zoo part 4: The Aquarium

Finally after my long break from posting on this blog, here’s the last part of the Guadalajara Zoo visit, for the previous posts check part1 – Big animals, Part 2 – Birds and Part 3 – Reptiles. The last section visited was the aquarium. I have a special feeling towards fish in the water, I […]


Writing to get out of the mental block

Writing is the best tool to organize your thoughts. Many authors and leaders advice to daily writing as a way to master clear thinking. They are right, but writing constantly is not that easy, then thinking clearly is more difficult. Sometimes you lack time, ideas or both. In my case, there’s a lot I want […]