Many people are typically afraid of the terminal. Yes, it might look scary for some, retro for others, but for the practical busy programmer, the terminal is the best tool you can have. Lately for my day job, I’ve been required to work with lots of static web pages, as I’ve mentioned on several of […]
Category: Programming & Web Development
I’d like to share my bookmarks from time to time. I think sometimes random browsing can be very fruitful and sometimes even productive. This week on my delicious bookmaks, I’d like to share: Red Hat Magazine | A guide to GNU Screen Very useful to use when needing to run long processes through an SSH […]
If you need to install PHP PDO mysql extension on Debian, its verysimple. This is what I did to get it done for both MySQL or MariaDB extensions for the lastest PHP version: In case you need the PostgreSQL extension, use: These packages now provide PDO extensions, no need for any additional steps. For Debian […]
Yasnippet is a great emacs minor mode that lets you have lots of code snippets easily at hand. Also you can create your own snippets in a very easy way without needing to write them in emacs lisp. Basically, like textmate shortcuts for emacs. I use html-helper-mode to edit all my html code, but yasnippet […]
I’m stopping all my ruby on rails development. Its been a while since my last rails line was written and I will not continue to develop on that framework. Here are my reasons for this: Documentation and entry point price First of all, to get any serious documentation on how to use the framework, you […]
Git is a distributed version control system. I won’t go into much details of what Git is or why use Git instead of other VC systems. There’s plenty other sites where to check that information. I love Git, but there’s a slight problem with Ubuntu’s repositories (feisty, gutsy): its an old version. Git’s version on […]
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