If you need to install PHP PDO mysql extension on Debian, its verysimple. This is what I did to get it done for both MySQL or MariaDB extensions for the lastest PHP version: In case you need the PostgreSQL extension, use: These packages now provide PDO extensions, no need for any additional steps. For Debian […]
Tag: php
For those who have to code in PHP, there’s a nice feature in Emacs that makes your coding horror times less stressing and helps you avoid typos and similar dumb errors. For example in the image above, I missed the colon at the end of the line. Emacs 22.1 comes with flymake mode, a nice […]
PHP 5 is supposed to be fully object oriented. Yes, it has classes and inheritance and all those things an OOP language is supposed to have. But, is it implemented like most OOP languages? First of all, I come from a C/C++ background, so there’s where I got all my OOP lessons. Then I started […]
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