
Big dance event

The Dance department of the UNAM for the second year in a row invited dancers from all over the country to celebrate an event called “UNAM En Movimiento”. It was a week long event with special classes, one of them by the Cuban ballet maitre Ramona De Saá (detailed info about her here if you […]


Minimize interrupting notifications to stay focused

I work remotely, so I have to be communicated through chats, emails and service notifications. On my desk at all times are a laptop, a tablet, a phone and a smart watch (on my wrist). When a notification comes along, all four beep almost at the same time. Technology connects us more every year with […]


My ideal morning daily routine

I’ve been very interested in how successful people (in different areas) have established morning routines. The most common claim is that it frees you from early decision fatigue and structures your day. Some of the morning routines are inspiring. It has been a struggle for me to achieve a perfect morning routine because I have […]


My goldfish companion

Today I want to tell you about a goldfish that stayed with me for the last 3 years and recently passed away. This is meaningful to me because that fish was my companion in important stages of my life. Crazy as it might sound, here’s my goldfish story. I’ve always had a fish tank in […]


Resolutions for 2016

It is that time of the year again. Time to review the year that finished and plan for the year ahead. At least this time I’m writing this in the first days of the year instead of the first months like last year. For me, 2015 was a rollercoaster. Started very steady with lots of […]

Events personal

Trip to Villahermosa, Tabasco

We’re almost done with the year and I realized there’s much to post in this blog. Back in July we went to Villahermosa, Tabasco for the wedding of a friend. It was my first time there so I didn’t know what to expect. Very soon into my trip I found out that they have very […]