Recently I’ve discovered Org2blog, an Emacs mode to write your blog posts locally using org-mode post them to your WordPress blog in a very fast and easy way. I’ve written before on how to write your blog posts and publish them using Emacs. Previously, my method of choice was using Weblogger mode. I even wrote […]
Category: Tutorials & Tips
Two weeks ago, I messed up my Galaxy S phone. I was having trouble with the back key activating by itself without touching it. As I’ve said before, I use Darky’s ROM instead of the crappy Samsung/Telcel default one. So searching for a possible solution, I found out that you could update your touchkeys firmware. […]
Lately I’ve been working with a lot of static HTML files with lots of repeating text structures. In the past I’ve talked about editing multiple files with Emacs. This approach works very well when the number of multiple files and text matches in each file is manageable or you need to make sure every match […]
Git is a distributed version control system. I won’t go into much details of what Git is or why use Git instead of other VC systems. There’s plenty other sites where to check that information. I love Git, but there’s a slight problem with Ubuntu’s repositories (feisty, gutsy): its an old version. Git’s version on […]
Today Facebook released an animation javascript library that modifies CSS properties on the fly. You can download it and use it on your webpages. Its a very light (10.4 Kb compressed version) animation library and its very easy to use. You can chain events or animations to create the effects you want. You can download […]
Por fin encontre la forma de enviar videos a mi Xbox360 sin tener que usar Windows. Muy sencillo, solo instala ushare Vas a necesitar libupnp sudo aptitude install libupnp2 ejecuta el siguiente comando para iniciar el servicio de ushare: ushare -p 49153 -D -x -c /home/usuario/videos/ Esto lo puedes poner en un script que se […]