
Arriving late to the mobile computing era

As I’ve mentioned on previous posts, I recently got an android phone. And I don’t say “smartphone” because I had a Nokia N95, which was considered a “smartphone” back around 2007 or so. But this phone is different. Ever since the BlackBerry and the iPhone got out and then the Android OS devices, the small […]

GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source personal

Thoughts & Tips on the Samsung Galaxy S from Telcel

After a couple of months of having the Samsung Galaxy S from my carrier Telcel, I now feel I can write a few lines about it and give you some heads up if you’re in Mexico and planning to get one as well. The Good First of all I’d like to start saying that it […]


My new year resolutions for 2011

This 2010 has been a good year, but a bit slow. Looking back at my last year’s resolutions, I’m happy to see that most of those goals were reached this year. A few of the main events that happened this year are: I got to travel some more to the bay area went to DrupalCon […]


My cigar humidor & basic tips for cigar care

I’m very happy that my girlfriend recently went to Cuba for work travel, and she brought me back some very nice Cuban cigars. My humidor has been almost empty this year and today is fuller than ever before. I’m normally not a smoker. At least not the regular kind of smoker. But when I’m in […]

Emacs personal

Good bye Shyam Karanat

This weekend I recieved the sad news that Shyam Karanat passed away. Although we never met in person, he was a good friend. We mostly talked about Emacs Identica-mode, where he made several contributions. Actually, his patches to use url.el were key to releasing the 1.0 version so Identica-mode wouldn’t freeze Emacs anymore while waiting […]

Emacs personal

The Social Network Movie

I just saw The Social Network movie. From a geeky perspective, its a very interesting movie. But I don’t know if it will be entertaining enough for the general public. Also I say this with the perspective of having read the book, and as most movies based on books, they missed lots of details and […]