GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source

PRISM Break: A list of resources for privacy and freedom

With the recent news scandal about the NSA surveillance program code named PRISM more people is starting to question their use of cloud services thinking about their privacy. I’ve talked about free network services and ugly cloud stories but this is the ugliest of all stories going mainstream. The group was focused in producing […]

GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source Programming & Web Development

CSS3 columns in Internet Explorer and other unsupported browsers

Recently I’ve been working on a project for a client that makes use of CSS3 columns in its layout design. The problem with CSS3 columns is that it’s not supported by any stable version of Internet Explorer so far (surprised? no? good!). At the time of this writing IE9 is the latest version. Luckily there’s […]

GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source Tutorials & Tips

Restore Samsung Galaxy S to Original ROM from Telcel Mexico

Two weeks ago, I messed up my Galaxy S phone. I was having trouble with the back key activating by itself without touching it. As I’ve said before, I use Darky’s ROM instead of the crappy Samsung/Telcel default one. So searching for a possible solution, I found out that you could update your touchkeys firmware. […]


A website visitor tracking statistics free open source alternative to Google Analytics

Everyone that wants to know how his/her website’s traffic is doing has a form of “visitor counter” or web traffic analytics software. By what I’ve seen, the most popular one is Google Analytics. There’s a free and open source web alternative to Google Analytics and its called Piwik. I’ve been using this software for several […]

Digital rights Law & Freedom GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source News

Chrome license makes Google more than the new Big Brother

Yesterday’s big news was that Google released their own “open source” browser called Google Chrome. They released only the binaries for Windows, and even thought they claim to be open source, I don’t see where I can get the source code yet. But what really bothers me is the license agreements for Chrome: 11. Content […]

Emacs GNU/Linux Free Software & Open Source mode for Emacs is a free software microblogging service, similar to Twitter, based on the code base. I recently needed to update my status from Emacs, since its faster for me and easier. I’ve been using an an Emacs mode to update my Twitter account, but there was nothing to use for my account. And […]